Departmental News

ECE PhD Program recognized as a model program by the Office of Assessment and Accreditation
The PhD in Electrical Engineering program in the ECE department has been recognized as a “model program” by the Office of Assessment and Accreditation at UNC Charlotte. A model program should be one where faculty are engaged in meaningful conversations about outcome results and strategies for improvement, and uses these results to make curricular and/or […]

Ali Parsa Wins Best Presentation Award at APEC 2023
PhD student Ali Parsa Sirat has been awarded the Best Presentation Award for his paper presented at the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) in Orlando. The paper, titled “Ultra-Wideband Unidirectional Reset-Less Rogowski Coil Switch Current Sensor Topology for High-Frequency DC-DC Power Converters,” was co-authored by Hossein Niakan, Daniel Evans, James Gafford, and Babak Parkhideh. […]

Dr. Tabkhi Awarded Seed Funding to Develop a Smart Community Bus
The College of Engineering has awarded seed funding to Dr. Hamed Tabhki, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, for developing an infrastructure to develope a smart bus sytem for establishing transportation equity amoungst lower-income communities in the Charlotte Area. Low-income households face a spatial mismatch between their homes and where grocery stores, work, health, […]

Dr. Smith-Orr on WBTV MLK Jr. Day television Special
As part of the MLK Day Jr. Day celebrations, Dr. Courtney Smith-Orr, Teaching Assistant Professor of ECE, was interviewed on WBTV to talk about the work and support of the Divine 9, a group of Black Greek Organizations. Following the interview, Dr. Smith-Orr participated in a panel discussion on “Divine Nine Panel Discussion: A Conversation […]

Dr. Tabkhi wins NSF Award on public safety
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $400,000 (four three years) to Dr. Hamed Tabhki, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, through NSF Transition to Practice (TTP) supplemental funding for his existing NSF Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC) project on addressing public safety challenges through real-time privacy-preserving computer vision. The overarching aim of this […]

IEEE HKN Leadership Conference Held in Charlotte
The Annual IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Student Leadership Conference (SLC) is a time-honored tradition that brings together leaders and members from HKN Chapters around the world. This three-day event features tracks for leadership training, faculty advisor programming, technical presentations, professional development, labs, workshops, and a career and graduate school fair. This year the SLC was […]

Dr. Chowdhury wins the COEN Senior Research Award
Dr. Badrul Chowdhury has won the 2022 Senior Research Award from the college of engineering at UNC Charlotte. The award is given to full-time faculty, including research faculty, who have been employed by the College of Engineering for a minimum of five years. Candidates for this award must demonstrate a sustained record (over 10 years) […]

Dr. Kamalasadan wins the COEN Struck Gold Award
Dr. Sukumar Kamalasadan has won the 2022 Stuck Gold Award from the college of engineering at UNC Charlotte. The award is given to a candidate/team that provides details of a high-impact, transformational, extramurally funded grant or contract, or worldwide award received during the last two academic years. The contribution must be widely recognized as highly […]

Dr. Tabkhi and his team named in NSF Success Stories
NSF has selected Dr. Tabkhi and his team’s research in Smart and Connected Community (S&CC) as from the Lab to Implementation – S&CC Success Stories during the 2022 PI meeting. The presentation is available here.

Dr. Ahmed Arafa wins NSF CAREER award
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Dr. Ahmed Arafa, Assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering the prestigious NSF CAREER AWARD entitled “Towards Realizing Timely Information Transfer and Processing for Networked Communication Systems”. The award amount is $500,000 with a duration of 5 years starting September 2022 and an expected date of completion of […]