ECE PhD Program recognized as a model program by the Office of Assessment and Accreditation

The PhD in Electrical Engineering program in the ECE department has been recognized as a “model program” by the Office of Assessment and Accreditation at UNC Charlotte. A model program should be one where faculty are engaged in meaningful conversations about outcome results and strategies for improvement, and uses these results to make curricular and/or programmatic revisions, and set higher expectations of themselves and their students.
The PhD in Electrical Engineering was praised for doing a good job of using multiple artifacts with high targets (90%) and allows them to examine student progress at multiple points in their education. These results are being used to identify what areas need to be improved and have put in place actions to help their students achieve their high targets.
Pictured here are Dr. Asis Nasipuri, the ECE department chair, and Dr. Valentina Cecchi, the ECE graduate program director. Congratulations and thank you to the faculty and students who have made this program worthy of the recognition it has received!